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Just like magic,I'll be flying free

No doubt, some magic needs to be involved when it comes to my health, but as I prepare for RRR 2019 (run rabbit run 100 mile), I can't help but reflect upon another challenging yet blessed year.

You can read more about the beginning of the year in my blog post "Superwomen Wild Thing," so from then until now, here we go. There's not much to even write about. I literally had to self medicate with my thyroid meds until I found a doc who would actually listen to me and we are continuing to work on balancing that out as we speak. Honestly I'm sick of writing about how every time I turn around SOMETHING else is wrong with me health wise. So much so, that when July rolled around, I decided to ignore it as much as possible and focus on my training and execution for RRR 100. However, I realize some of you may be going through the same things and perhaps we could lean on each other and even learn from each other. After all, I choose to believe things happen in life FOR you, not TO you... as hard as that maybe sometimes.

This summer I found myself in the ER a few times, numerous doctors/specialists visits for GI and thyroid issues, and another trip to the hospital to get cameras put in both ends (yeah you heard that right), instead of hammering down for a road marathon with my good friend and client, Anna Hailey. I was barely holding on to 60% of my training (although it was a solid 60%, complete with strength work, just not enough for me to feel comfortable executing the sub 2:40 I wanted). The conclusion, none. Possible h.pylori infection I picked up in Croatia, Crohn's Disease, etc... the only thing that was confirmed is strongly suggestive of Crohn's Disease ( ulcers and erosion on my ileum), but the biopsy could not confirm it. Doc did say this didn't exactly mean I didn't have it, but the most frustrating thing to me, is that they keep labeling me as "taking too much ib profin" which is why I have this.. OH DON'T YOU WORRY!... I'm fighting back and certainly not settling for this, for it is a false accusation, one that even a nurse apologized to me (she said she assumed I took a lot because I run and have arthritis) after she went on rant on how I should take Tylenol instead of ib profin. She looked like a deer in the head lights when I stopped her in the middle and corrected her on how I do not take it. Anyone else have Crohn's or something similar? Of course, my Obgyn says we cannot try for another baby until we know where the problem is coming from :(. And again, I'm not getting any younger.

Ok! So let's get to the AMAZING, epic happy stuff! Late July kicks off the fun. The Elevation Celebration in Conifer CO is one to take part in!

With live music for the weekend, and a 5k/10k race to help raise proceeds for the high school sports, it' an event you don't want to miss out on! It was great to meet client and now friend Heather Mrzack at the race and I think we both were a little nervous going up against kids half our age! Trying not to be too hard on myself, I ended up a touch slower than last year but still with a sub 21 finish, 1st place female and all above 8,000 ft!

Elevation Celebration 5k/10k

My goals are simple going for another max out year at RRR 100. I'd be foolish if I thought my hips or speed were going to last forever, (not that I can't still be competitive), but we all know we slow with age, and with age for me, will come hip replacements.

The following weekend is one of the best weekends, if not THE BEST weekend of the year! RUGGED RUNNING THE CAMP!~Colorado. We do sell out and registration is now open so reserve your spot today!!! And if camping isn't your thing, join us for our resort style camp at Arizona Grand Resort this February! Not liking that extreme either? We have weekend camps hosted at our home in Conifer CO too!

2019 was an EPIC year for camp! Nicknames were given, hearts were driven, and this is how life was meant to be livin'! Major THANKs to Ultimate Direction for sponsoring this years camp once again with awesome swag giveaways!

Leadville 100 mountain bike race was the following weekend. Pooped out would be an understatement (especially since I try to train through it, I don't taper or rest with RRR just around the corner). However, I got the job done. It was not pretty. As a matter of fact it marked only the 10th time I had been on my bike since Leadville last year! Although my time wasn't that far off, and wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Really, I just went into survival mode and hoped to make the 12 hour cut off. Rewind to that morning when I woke up pretty ticked off that I felt like hell and could hardly keep my tiny thyroid pill down let alone anything else. And of course the other end was like a damn squirt gun ;(!!! Of course one would assume something I ate, but as mentioned above, it's been a battle this past year and although I ate the same thing I always do.. the gut fight would strike.

I was able to put some food and fluids in just before the start..(thank goodness for GU Brew Roctane and Health Warrior Chia Bars!!! ) but the dehydration took it's tole out on the course and on my hips with the arthritis flaring up. But again, grit and grind, I took my time and got off my bike several times to stretch and made it to the finish line! I will say it was less enjoyable this year too with the over 1600 riders that clogged the out and back course. I do love what Leadville is doing with the money for schools (changing the menu, providing only healthy foods and eliminating the toxic crap most of us grew up on!). Rugged Running will jump on that sponsor wagon too!

Shout out to awesome crew peeps Jodi Badershall, Wyatt and Maya Yates!

So after the camping and butt chafe were done in Leadville.. I put my game face on and have been crushing out some RRR specific workouts, increasing my strength training (even from last year RRR which is really exciting!), and preparing for yet another legendary year at RRR!

Future Leadwomen, Maya Yates :)

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