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Get the kids involved

GOT KIDS? No doubt these times are also hard on them. Get them involved in creating healthy habits that will last them a life time. If you haven't been the best example, get on board too! It's hard to break bad habits and create new ones. We are here to help! But first, why should one even try? Well there are numerous benefits and studies that show how helpful this simple way of life can be.

Tips and tricks to accomplish healthy habits:

1. Start with smaller, defined goals. (for example: every day this week I WILL get up at 5am and do this 5 minute exercise video)

2. Write down 3 goals, including the first one, on a sticky note and post it to your mirror or fridge or everywhere! (example: 1. I will get up at 5 am every day this week and do the 5 minute exercise video, 2. Next month May 1st, I will get up at 5 am do the 5 minute exercise video then do 15 minutes of cardio 3. I will do #1 and #2 and accomplish my first 5k June 1st.)

3. Remind yourself of the benefits.. Go ahead write them down and keep them visible. Healthy habits create:

* Healthy structure to your day

* More energy throughout the day

* Balance and peace mentally and physically

* Prevents a lot of bad stuff like disease, sickness, and obesity.

* Make your own.. how do you think doing this will benefit you? How do you think it will benefit your family (for example: setting a GOOD example for your kids and the importance of eating healthy, learning to cook healthy, staying physically fit).



1. INTERACTIVE KIDS PROGRAM - ONLINE click here! Join us twice a week (get the whole family around the computer) and learn basic forms, drills, and fun games about running!

WHAT: An interactive online, holistic, fun learning approach to kids running.

AGES: 4-12 (any can participate but targeted at 5-10 year olds) Parents can participate as well.

PRICE: $125 per household

WHEN: 2x a week, Mondays and Wednesdays at 4pm Mountain Time for 4 weeks.

DURATION: 35 minutes

STARTS: May 4th!


  • Online session with a Rugged Running Coach 2x a week for 4 weeks (Age appropriate, fun warm up, yoga,drills,lesson of the week,strength, and word of the week).

  • Nutrition information for the kids as well as the parents.

  • Recipe of the day- fun, healthy recipe to do with your kids

  • Game to do at home with the family

2. KIDS VIRTUAL RUN SERIES!click here! No better way to get them involved than doing a virtual run series with you! Their series includes entry fees for all 3 races, a 14 week training program with strength videos to follow and prizes! Their virtual series is on the same date as yours!

Virtual Run Series for Kids with Running and Strength Training Program Provided!


Any age up to 12 can participate, however, we would recommend supervision for 8 years old and under with the strength and conditioning.


  1. May 2nd 2020

  2. June 6th 2020

  3. July 11th 2020


½ mile, 1 mile and 5k


Any time of day, you choose, you have 24 hours just upload to Final Surge by the end of the day. We will send an email out to everyone and you will choose your distance. We will then put the distance in Final Surge.


$50 for series (20% WILL BE DONATED TO RACES AND THEIR CHARITIES AFFECTED BY COVID-19). If doing the series, please register for the $50 series and enter in the first distance the kiddo would like to do. We will email you to see what other two distances they would like to do! (there are no separate race entries due to providing the strength and cardio program with it).


To give the kids a healthy, fun opportunity, but also to raise money for races that support charities that had/have to be cancelled.


  1. Prizes\awards to top male/female with overall highest points. (RR gear, free weekend boot camp(with ability to bring an adult) or 3 months of coaching, and special gift). Must take a pic or video before, during or after and tag Rugged Running and post on social media

  2. Everyone that participates will be put into a drawing to win 3 random drawing prizes: Must take a pic or video before, during, or after to be eligible...tag Rugged Running and post on social media

  • Spot at a weekend Boot Camp and special gift

  • Prize pack with RR water bottle, hat, and special gift

  • Free 3 months of Coaching and special gift


  1. Just for participating:

  • 1/2 mile (1 point)

  • 1 mile (2points)

  • 5k (3 points)

  1. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place at any distance (10 points)

  2. 3rd,4th,5th place at any distance (8 points)

  3. 6th,7th, or 8th place at any distance (5 points)

  4. 10th place at any distance (3 points)


Everyone will receive a printable bib to print out and share on social media. Make sure to tag Rugged Running to be able to be eligible for prizes! Get creative, if you want to take a picture mid run and post that or do a video to show your run. Post it and tag it.


All kids participating will receive a Final Surge account that will have access to a cardio training program as well as a 2x a week strength training video (strength videos are targeted more for middle school/high school aged children, however with supervision kiddos under that age may still find benefit). The program is for 14 weeks.



  1. May 2nd 2020

  2. June 6th 2020

  3. July 11th 2020

Distances: 5k,10k,13.1,26.2, 50k

Time: any time of day, you choose, you have 24 hours just upload to Final Surge by the end of the day. We will send an email out to everyone and you will choose your distance. We will then put the distance in Final Surge.

Registration: $30- per race or $50 for series (20% WILL BE DONATED TO RACES AND THEIR CHARITIES AFFECTED BY COVID-19)

Why: To give us all something to train for and stay motivated for, but also to raise money for races that support charities that had/have to be cancelled.


  1. Prizes\awards to top male/female with overall highest points. (RR gear, free weekend boot camp or 3 months of coaching, and special gift). Must take a pic or video before, during or after and tag Rugged Running and post on social media

  2. Everyone that participates will be put into a drawing to win 3 random drawing prizes: Must take a pic or video before, during, or after to be eligible...tag Rugged Running and post on social media

  • Spot at a weekend Boot Camp and special gift

  • Prize pack with RR water bottle, hat, sweats, and special gift

  • Free 3 months of Coaching and special gift

Point System:

  1. Just for participating:

  • 5k (1 point)

  • 10k (2points)

  • 13.1m (3 points)

  • 26.2m (4 points)

  • 50k (5 points)

  1. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place at any distance (10 points)

  2. 3rd,4th,5th place at any distance (8 points)

  3. 6th,7th, or 8th place at any distance (5 points)

  4. 10th place at any distance (3 points)

PRINTABLE BIB: everyone will receive a printable bib to print out and share on social media. Make sure to tag Rugged Running to be able to be eligible for prizes! Get creative, if you want to take a picture mid run and post that or do a video to show your run. Post it and tag it.

....standard training programs coming soon!

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